Tuesday, January 11, 2011

True Love

Open any magazine and you will find an article about how to find true love.  Go to a bookstore or library, and there will be aisles of materials about what true love is, how to find it, what it looks like, how to improve it, etc. etc. etc.

I know what true love is. 

And it isn't roses and champagne.  Or diamonds and gold.  Those things are nice - sometimes - but REAL true love looks quite a bit different.  At times, it is a husband that carries all of the groceries up the basement stairs so the wife doesn't have to.  On another day, it is a wife that comes home after a long day at work and takes the time to make homemade fried chicken because he loves it.  It shows up as compliments first thing in the morning, ignoring bedhead and old makeup that she forgot to remove. And as endless hours of watching football (or endless reruns of The Golden Girls).

This Christmas, true love looked a lot like this:
This is a Comfort-U pillow.  And yes - it is HUGE.  -Ron knew that I had been suffering from some sort of crazy insomnia for two months, as well as trying to deal with a shoulder injury that made finding a comfortable sleeping position impossible!  THIS is true love.  He put actual thought into what was making my life miserable, and then found a way to fix it.  I don't use it every night, but when I do, I magically don't lie awake from 2-5am.  And NAPS!! Oh, the glory of an afternoon NAP!!  As an added bonus, -Ron, JC, and all the pets seem to like it, too.  This evening, I was laying on it for a minute and within minutes both guys were on either side, the cat was wrapped around my head, and both dogs were near the bottom.  Being surrounded and snuggly with your entire family.... I dare you to define LOVE better than that!!

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