Saturday, January 1, 2011

Another Year - Another Chance!

So it's January 1, 2011. WOW! Time really does move right along, doesn't it! I have been contemplating whether to delete this (tiny) blog altogether, or actually start posting frequently. I have to admit, I have been inspired by an awesome teacher-friend who challenged herself to post every single day of 2010... and then DID it! I keep thinking about how blessed she is to be able to look back and remember what was going on each day. Me - I can barely remember last week, much less what I was doing on any given day in May. So I'm going to try again. I can't promise that it will be everyday, but even a weekly summary will be better than nothing. That's one of the great things about a new year, or a new day - you get to try again. Oh, and I'll even try to figure out how to add pictures. At least my mom will enjoy the updates!!

I don't do resolutions. I have a most wonderful uncle that always said that his resolution was to not make any resolutions. Me too. I do have plans, though. -ron and I have agreed to participate in our first 5K in April. Walking, I'm sure, but at least we'll be moving together! We are headed back to Peru in 2011. I get to go twice, while -ron and JC will go once. I'm practicing my Spanish for those trips. The hardest thing I have planned is to consciously control my mouth. It tends to lose its filter A LOT.

So, I'll let you know how these plans progress - and which have hit the skids! Comments welcome!!

Buenos Noches!

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