Friday, January 8, 2010

Here We Go!!!

Well, I have been thinking of starting a blog for the longest time, but have often wondered how it would all work. First of all, who cares enough to even read the thing?? Then again, I tend to read my other friends' blogs... so why not?!?

My second concern had more to do with what I consider my "dual personalities" - hence the title "enharmonic tones" - or two notes with different names but the same pitch. On the one hand, I am a loving, supportive individual (or I try to be) who doesn't mind listening to others and helping them whenever they need something. That person is real... however... deep down I'm an OCD overachiever with lots of "isms", including strong sarcastic tendencies. Many years ago that sarcasm earned me the alter ego of "The Great Sarcasmo", thanks to my loving husband... -ron. Yep, Mo and -ron. Not his real name, but at least he has a sense of humor about it all. Anyway! I was concerned that any friends who read this would possibly be shocked by the sarcastic side. I have since decided that Dr. Seuss had it right: Those that mind don't matter, and those that matter don't mind!

So for 2010, I'm going to give blogging a try and just see what happens. Maybe I'll discover that the "nice" side is bigger than Mo... but I doubt it!! :)

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